Monday 6 January 2020

Healthy Diet From HCG

Healthy Diet

Today, the foods that we get are worse filled with chemicals and pesticides. This leads to the rising of diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart attack, liver and kidney problems. Heart disease and stroke are the major causes of death among women. So, it's really important that you keep your heart healthy by eating right, watching your weight, not indulge in smoking and lower your stress levels.

To maintain your heart functioning properly, you need to change your diet by eating clean. Eating clean mainly focuses on eating whole and fresh foods that will make you achieve good health, optimal fitness, and culinary satisfaction. To help clean up your diet for a healthier heart. Here are the ways to do it, have a look.

Make Homemade Granola

Processed foods are filled with added sugar and salt, which is mostly found in breakfast cereals. Granola is a fantastic option, the addition of oats are a great source of fiber, which can help to reduce the bad cholesterol. You can team it up with coconut flakes, almonds or blueberries, which are heart-healthy.

Location: New York, NY, USA


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